Influência da falta de esgotamento sanitário na disseminação de zoonoses


  • Nathali Fabricante Alves et al., Centro Universitário São Lucas Ji-Paraná


More than half of the sewage in Brazil doesn't undergo adequate treatment and contains parasites and infectious agents with pathogenic potential. The occurrence of zoonoses is related to risk areas and precarious hygiene habits, two factors that can be influenced by the lack of adequate drainage, therefore, the portion of Brazilians without access to this basic right makes up one of their risk populations. Mosquitoes that transmit zoonoses endemic to tropical regions, use water with waste to proliferate and spread diseases such as dengue fever, malaria, chikungunya, zika and leishmaniasis. Urban flooding contaminated by sewage also has the potential for transmission of leptospirosis, salmonellosis and E. coli. The lack of structure for collecting and treating domestic sewage is often related to the disorderly and unplanned growth of areas inhabited by the low-income population, so that the incidence of zoonoses is more common among people with lower purchasing power.

