Children's multifunctional space for the tourist resort of Ouro Preto Do Oeste, Rondônia
The healthy development of children is a very important subject to be discussed nowadays. Following this theme, the work presented refers to the development of a children's leisure space in the municipality of Ouro Preto do Oeste/RO. The following research seeks to present the current scenario of child development based on the inordinate use of electronic devices such as smartphones, tablets and televisions. The aim of the space is to offer children a safe, stimulating and healthy environment during the school break, so that they can learn by playing, discovering their talents and, above all, away from the excessive and inappropriate stimulation of screens. The methodology will be qualitative research, the method will be deductive and the procedure will be a case study. The creation of an architectural project for a leisure space is therefore of the utmost importance for the city. Considering that a child who develops with quality will be a well-resolved adult in the future.