Conduta Ética do Médico Veterinário: Eutanásia Animal
Veterinary ethics. Euthanasia. Public safety. Public health. Painless death.Abstract
Despite the veterinary profession's goal to prioritize the life and health restoration of patients, there are circumstances where euthanasia is the most appropriate alternative to end the suffering of a patient whose quality of life is severely compromised; or when an animal presents a condition or behavior that classifies it as a threat to public health or safety. The conduct and discernment of the professional may be influenced by their individual morals and beliefs, so the resolution of May 11, 2012, by Conselho Federal de Medicina Veterinária stipulates the conditions under which the procedure may or should be performed; regulates the methods by which euthanasia is carried out, aiming to minimize the animal's suffering before and during the procedure; establishes the importance of communication with the guardian and clarification of the patient's condition in order to obtain consent through documents justifying the need for intervention, as well as recording the methodology of the procedure. The main objective of the resolution is to ensure that euthanasia occurs only when indispensable and to guarantee that it is performed quickly, peacefully, painlessly, and with respect and dignity for the animal.