Mudança de Identidade para a Proteção das Vítimas e Testemunhas Ameaçadas
The protection of threatened victims and witnesses is crucial to guarantee their safety and facilitate investigations, promoting human rights. The change of identity, provided for in Law No. 9,807/1999, in the Victim and Witness Protection Program (PROVITA), allows these people to contribute without fear of reprisals, especially in cases of criminal organizations.
However, this process faces ethical, social and bureaucratic challenges, such as the difficulty of reintegration into society and access to basic rights with the new identity. Furthermore, slow inclusion in the program may leave victims exposed to risks before obtaining protection. This scenario highlights the need for revisions to increase the system’s efficiency.
The study analyzed the effectiveness of changing identity as a protective measure, based on academic articles, considering legal obstacles and the need to prove threats, which are often difficult to document. The research emphasized the importance of psychological support during and after the identity change process, which is often not addressed by the legal system.
The results point to the need to harmonize legislation, simplify procedures and strengthen access to justice, aiming to guarantee the dignity and effective protection of victims. Identity change is an essential mechanism, but it requires refinement to meet the needs of people in vulnerable situations. The discussion around PROVITA is essential to promote a more effective and humanized process.